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Posted by Garamonde - May 7, 2022 - 7:58 AM
yawn Hello Texturers! This one's gonna be a quicky 'cause I am quite sleepy.

The major bigguns include:

~Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX by Nidoking
~Brick Hill from thatmusicweeb
~Cosmonious High by RiffyDiffy
~Railroad Tycoon 3 from eldomtom2
~Textures from 2 Godzilla games by All Things Gaming 6
~Finally, Chuck E. Cheese's Sports Games courtesy of none other than blueberrymuffin!

Thanks y'all for your continued contributions and we'll (well I won't, but someone will) see y'all next month when Summer starts kickin' in!
Textures in this update: 361
Browser Games Textures: 7
DS / DSi Textures: 2
GameCube Textures: 5
Mobile Textures: 13
Nintendo 64 Textures: 2
Nintendo Switch Textures: 199
#001 Bulbasaur
#001 Bulbasaur
#002 Ivysaur
#002 Ivysaur
#003 Mega Venusaur
#003 Mega Venusaur
#003 Venusaur
#003 Venusaur
#004 Charmander
#004 Charmander
#008 Wartortle
#008 Wartortle
#009 Blastoise
#009 Blastoise
#009 Mega Blastoise
#009 Mega Blastoise
#010 Caterpie
#010 Caterpie
#014 Kakuna
#014 Kakuna
#019 Rattata
#019 Rattata
#029 Nidoran (Female)
#029 Nidoran (Female)
#031 Nidoqueen
#031 Nidoqueen
#034 Nidoking
#034 Nidoking
#038 Ninetales
#038 Ninetales
#042 Golbat
#042 Golbat
#043 Oddish
#043 Oddish
#044 Gloom
#044 Gloom
#048 Venonat
#048 Venonat
#049 Venomoth
#049 Venomoth
#054 Psyduck
#054 Psyduck
#055 Golduck
#055 Golduck
#056 Mankey
#056 Mankey
#058 Growlithe
#058 Growlithe
#063 Abra
#063 Abra
#065 Alakazam
#065 Alakazam
#065 Mega Alakazam
#065 Mega Alakazam
#067 Machoke
#067 Machoke
#068 Machamp
#068 Machamp
#069 Bellsprout
#069 Bellsprout
#072 Tentacool
#072 Tentacool
#074 Geodude
#074 Geodude
#075 Graveler
#075 Graveler
#076 Golem
#076 Golem
#078 Rapidash
#078 Rapidash
#081 Magnemite & #082 Magneton
#081 Magnemite & #082 Magneton
#083 Farfetch'd
#083 Farfetch'd
#087 Dewgong
#087 Dewgong
#092 Gastly
#092 Gastly
#093 Haunter
#093 Haunter
#094 Gengar
#094 Gengar
#094 Mega Gengar
#094 Mega Gengar
#095 Onix
#095 Onix
#098 Krabby
#098 Krabby
#099 Kingler
#099 Kingler
#101 Electrode
#101 Electrode
#103 Exeggutor
#103 Exeggutor
#104 Cubone
#104 Cubone
#105 Marowak
#105 Marowak
#110 Weezing
#110 Weezing
#114 Tangela
#114 Tangela
#115 Kangaskhan
#115 Kangaskhan
#115 Mega Kangaskhan
#115 Mega Kangaskhan
#120 Staryu
#120 Staryu
#125 Electabuzz
#125 Electabuzz
#127 Mega Pinsir
#127 Mega Pinsir
#127 Pinsir
#127 Pinsir
#128 Tauros
#128 Tauros
#129 Magikarp
#129 Magikarp
#130 Gyarados
#130 Gyarados
#130 Mega Gyarados
#130 Mega Gyarados
#132 Ditto
#132 Ditto
#133 Eevee (Female)
#133 Eevee (Female)
#133 Eevee (Male)
#133 Eevee (Male)
#140 Kabuto
#140 Kabuto
#141 Kabutops
#141 Kabutops
#143 Snorlax
#143 Snorlax
#144 Articuno
#144 Articuno
#146 Moltres
#146 Moltres
#147 Dratini
#147 Dratini
#148 Dragonair
#148 Dragonair
#149 Dragonite
#149 Dragonite
#150 Mega Mewtwo X
#150 Mega Mewtwo X
#150 Mega Mewtwo Y
#150 Mega Mewtwo Y
#150 Mewtwo
#150 Mewtwo
#151 Mew
#151 Mew
#154 Meganium
#154 Meganium
#155 Cyndaquil
#155 Cyndaquil
#156 Quilava
#156 Quilava
#163 Hoothoot
#163 Hoothoot
#167 Spinarak
#167 Spinarak
#169 Crobat
#169 Crobat
#177 Natu
#177 Natu
#178 Xatu
#178 Xatu
#179 Mareep
#179 Mareep
#180 Flaaffy
#180 Flaaffy
#183 Marill
#183 Marill
#184 Azumarill
#184 Azumarill
#187 Hoppip
#187 Hoppip
#191 Sunkern
#191 Sunkern
#192 Sunflora
#192 Sunflora
#200 Misdreavus
#200 Misdreavus
#203 Girafarig
#203 Girafarig
#204 Pineco
#204 Pineco
#205 Forretress
#205 Forretress
#207 Gligar
#207 Gligar
#208 Mega Steelix
#208 Mega Steelix
#208 Steelix
#208 Steelix
#210 Granbull
#210 Granbull
#211 Qwilfish
#211 Qwilfish
#212 Mega Scizor
#212 Mega Scizor
#212 Scizor
#212 Scizor
#214 Heracross
#214 Heracross
#214 Mega Heracross
#214 Mega Heracross
#216 Teddiursa
#216 Teddiursa
#218 Slugma
#218 Slugma
#219 Magcargo
#219 Magcargo
#221 Piloswine
#221 Piloswine
#226 Mantine
#226 Mantine
#229 Houndoom
#229 Houndoom
#229 Mega Houndoom
#229 Mega Houndoom
#230 Kingdra
#230 Kingdra
#231 Phanpy
#231 Phanpy
#237 Hitmontop
#237 Hitmontop
#238 Smoochum
#238 Smoochum
#239 Elekid
#239 Elekid
#241 Miltank
#241 Miltank
#242 Blissey
#242 Blissey
#244 Entei
#244 Entei
#250 Ho-Oh
#250 Ho-Oh
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#253 Grovyle
#253 Grovyle
#254 Mega Sceptile
#254 Mega Sceptile
#254 Sceptile
#254 Sceptile
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#262 Mightyena
#262 Mightyena
#263 Zigzagoon
#263 Zigzagoon
#264 Linoone
#264 Linoone
#265 Wurmple
#265 Wurmple
#266 Silcoon
#266 Silcoon
#268 Cascoon
#268 Cascoon
#270 Lotad
#270 Lotad
#271 Lombre
#271 Lombre
#274 Nuzleaf
#274 Nuzleaf
#278 Wingull
#278 Wingull
#281 Kirlia
#281 Kirlia
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Mega Gardevoir
#282 Mega Gardevoir
#285 Shroomish
#285 Shroomish
#286 Breloom
#286 Breloom
#287 Slakoth
#287 Slakoth
#289 Slaking
#289 Slaking
#293 Whismur
#293 Whismur
#296 Makuhita
#296 Makuhita
#297 Hariyama
#297 Hariyama
#300 Skitty
#300 Skitty
#301 Delcatty
#301 Delcatty
#303 Mawile
#303 Mawile
#303 Mega Mawile
#303 Mega Mawile
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#305 Lairon
#305 Lairon
#312 Minun
#312 Minun
#314 Illumise
#314 Illumise
#316 Gulpin
#316 Gulpin
#317 Swalot
#317 Swalot
#318 Carvanha
#318 Carvanha
#320 Wailmer
#320 Wailmer
#321 Wailord
#321 Wailord
#324 Torkoal
#324 Torkoal
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#330 Flygon
#330 Flygon
#336 Seviper
#336 Seviper
#340 Whiscash
#340 Whiscash
#341 Corphish
#341 Corphish
#344 Claydol
#344 Claydol
#349 Feebas
#349 Feebas
#350 Milotic
#350 Milotic
#352 Kecleon
#352 Kecleon
#353 Shuppet
#353 Shuppet
#354 Banette
#354 Banette
#354 Mega Banette
#354 Mega Banette
#367 Huntail
#367 Huntail
#369 Relicanth
#369 Relicanth
#372 Shelgon
#372 Shelgon
#375 Metang
#375 Metang
#376 Mega Metagross
#376 Mega Metagross
#376 Metagross
#376 Metagross
#382 Kyogre
#382 Kyogre
#382 Primal Kyogre
#382 Primal Kyogre
#383 Groudon
#383 Groudon
#383 Primal Groudon
#383 Primal Groudon
#385 Jirachi
#385 Jirachi
#424 Ambipom
#424 Ambipom
#429 Mismagius
#429 Mismagius
#439 Mime Jr.
#439 Mime Jr.
#446 Munchlax
#446 Munchlax
#461 Weavile
#461 Weavile
#462 Magnezone
#462 Magnezone
#465 Tangrowth
#465 Tangrowth
#466 Electivire
#466 Electivire
#469 Yanmega
#469 Yanmega
#471 Glaceon
#471 Glaceon
#472 Gliscor
#472 Gliscor
#473 Mamoswine
#473 Mamoswine
Bowling Pin
Bowling Pin
Rugby Ball
Rugby Ball
PC / Computer Textures: 52
PlayStation Textures: 1
PlayStation 2 Textures: 43
Wii Textures: 36
Wii U Textures: 1

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