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Posted by Random Talking Bush - September 7, 2024 - 3:30 PM
Random Talking Bush
Can it be? Another update? It's more likely than you think! It's a long story, but

*sounds of a VHS player fast-forwarding*

and that's why you should never feed your Gremlins after midnight... wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the update. Kinda went on an "old man rambling" tangent there.

We've got a ton of submissions that had been stockpiling in the queue for the past five months, from the following users: agoodone, Anton Bildziuk, Bambbud, BigHungryMode, BillyBnMOfficial, BlastoiseTheVGRipper, BLINXGLITCHES, blueberrymuffin, cecdisney46, colorsCrimsonTears, Commander_J_Ducky, DogToon64, doombringing, Drahnokks, Eeveeloverthespriter8, ExoDendrite, FridayFunkGaming291, Gangrelm, Gothic_Luigi, JackMoSalah941, jaflm2401, JohnBob32, Lukegregory448, Perdition's Gate Enjoyer, Rikan, RNL, RusselGames, Tbruh196, teh_supar_hackr, TeridaxXD001 and Tyra_Byte.

And yes, I know that's only about 2/3rds of the submissions currently in the queue, but it's a start, at the very least. I'll see if I can sort through the remaining submissions and put together an update with those next month, but if that doesn't happen, then it'll likely be in November instead. No later than two months this time! So until then!

(EDIT: ...make that December. I had practically no time to work on the site in October. Sorry.)
Textures in this update: 598
3DS Textures: 28
Arcade Textures: 4
Browser Games Textures: 6
Dreamcast Textures: 12
DS / DSi Textures: 5
GameCube Textures: 84
LeapFrog Textures: 1
Mobile Textures: 27
MS-DOS Textures: 13
Nintendo 64 Textures: 2
Nintendo Switch Textures: 7
PC / Computer Textures: 86
PlayStation Textures: 4
PlayStation 2 Textures: 70
PlayStation 3 Textures: 20
PlayStation 4 Textures: 13
PSP Textures: 20
Wii Textures: 159
Wii U Textures: 27
Xbox Textures: 7
Xbox 360 Textures: 3

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