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Latest Submissions: @tTRUpdates on Twitter | RSS Feed
Posted by Random Talking Bush - October 7, 2023 - 7:02 PM
Random Talking Bush
Since nobody else is around, looks like it's up to me to bring this apparently-even-monthed texture update. Man the queue got filled up in the last two months.

This month's contents were brought to you by the following users: AlexTCY, Biggest_Chungus, BigHungryMode, bluetrashcat, BillyBnMOfficial, catgirlkronicals, ColdPotatoSoup, dekutony, DewRagen, DogToon64, DoubleWarp18, EpicMemer9000, FPAnim, GianaSistersFan64, jamesthefeetnooby, KartMakerBrosU, LeoLuster214, M&M (no, not the candy), MarioFan9238, ObviousAlexC, Ohaok, ShadeDBZ, SirDuckman, Tedbackman, teh_supar_hackr, TheChosenOne59 and Trekeln. Hopefully I'm not forgetting anyone there, t'is a larger bunch of submitters this time around!

And I guess I'll be here again in December doing the same thing, since there's still plenty in the queue that I need to catch up on. Until then!
Textures in this update: 442
3DS Textures: 34
Dreamcast Textures: 42
GameCube Textures: 33
Mobile Textures: 4
Nintendo 64 Textures: 13
Nintendo Switch Textures: 4
PC / Computer Textures: 85
PlayStation 2 Textures: 26
PlayStation 3 Textures: 17
PlayStation 4 Textures: 1
Saturn Textures: 1
Wii Textures: 137
Wii U Textures: 8
Xbox Textures: 2
Xbox 360 Textures: 29
Zeebo Textures: 6

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