[x]The VG Resource network will be receiving a HUGE upgrade in the near future!
We will be presenting a LIVE demonstration on our Twitch channel on March 22nd, 7 PM London / 3 PM New York
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Recently Uploaded Textures
Bendy and the Ink Machine Wall Writing
Chicken Gun Office
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Leeta
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Defender GTR
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Shield
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Invader X
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Police Chase
Beach Buggy Racing 2 Rez (Outfit)
Latest Submissions: @tTRUpdates on Twitter | RSS Feed
Posted by Garamonde - May 21, 2012 - 2:59 PM
Good day to you all! I really think TTR deserves an update, don't you? Well it's finally here, after 8 long months! Incredible! Even I can't believe it! Do you know what this means? It means that I am the new moderator of the Textures Resource as well as the Sounds Resource! It certainly keeps me busy managing submissions for both, as well as uploading to TSR, but someone's gotta do it!

Speaking of TSoR, go check it out! As you may have guessed, I've posted an updated there as well! Sometimes there is such a thing as magic! :D

On top of all that, this is, what I believe to be, the largest update that TTR has ever had! Amazing! Talk about a comeback! And if THAT weren't enough, I think my update for TSoR is ALSO the largest that its ever had! I hope you're all as excited as I am to finally see both of these Resources rise from their graves and come back so strongly, because I've certainly enjoyed uploading all of this wonderful content from all our fantastic submitters!

Until next time, I promise that it won't be nearly as long until the next update for both TTR and TSoR, so you guys can be sure that the new future for them is bright! :D
Textures in this update: 585
DS / DSi Textures: 1
GameCube Textures: 442
Ballom Plant
Ballom Plant
Black Bomber
Black Bomber
Blue Bomber
Blue Bomber
HIGE HIGE Bandit (Tentasia)
HIGE HIGE Bandit (Tentasia)
Megaton Bomber
Megaton Bomber
No. 01 - Stegodon
No. 01 - Stegodon
No. 02 - Dorako
No. 02 - Dorako
No. 03 - Pteradon
No. 03 - Pteradon
No. 04 - Andlar
No. 04 - Andlar
No. 05 - Marine Eel
No. 05 - Marine Eel
No. 06 - Kai-man
No. 06 - Kai-man
No. 07 - Beast Pommy
No. 07 - Beast Pommy
No. 08 - Pox
No. 08 - Pox
No. 09 - Pommy
No. 09 - Pommy
No. 10 - Ligon
No. 10 - Ligon
No. 11 - Unicornos
No. 11 - Unicornos
No. 12 - Big Ox
No. 12 - Big Ox
No. 13 - Angol
No. 13 - Angol
No. 14 - Pommy Dragon
No. 14 - Pommy Dragon
No. 15 - Pomyugar
No. 15 - Pomyugar
No. 16 - Shelks
No. 16 - Shelks
No. 17 - Lai Eel
No. 17 - Lai Eel
No. 18 - Fire Horn
No. 18 - Fire Horn Zip Archive
Octopi Woods Boss
Octopi Woods Boss
Red Bomber
Red Bomber
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Armored Cannon Beetle
Armored Cannon Beetle
Dwarf Bulbear
Dwarf Bulbear
Dwarf Bulborb
Dwarf Bulborb
Fiery Blowhog
Fiery Blowhog
Puffy Blowhog
Puffy Blowhog
Spotty Bulbear
Spotty Bulbear
Spotty Bulborb
Spotty Bulborb
Swooping Snitchbug
Swooping Snitchbug
Water Dumple
Water Dumple
Yellow Wollywog
Yellow Wollywog
#001 Bulbasaur
#001 Bulbasaur
#002 Ivysaur
#002 Ivysaur
#003 Venusaur
#003 Venusaur
#004 Charmander
#004 Charmander
#005 Charmeleon
#005 Charmeleon
#006 Charizard
#006 Charizard
#007 Squirtle
#007 Squirtle
#008 Wartortle
#008 Wartortle
#009 Blastoise
#009 Blastoise
#010 Caterpie
#010 Caterpie
#011 Metapod
#011 Metapod
#012 Butterfree
#012 Butterfree
#013 Weedle
#013 Weedle
#014 Kakuna
#014 Kakuna
#015 Beedrill
#015 Beedrill
#016 Pidgey
#016 Pidgey
#017 Pidgeotto
#017 Pidgeotto
#018 Pidgeot
#018 Pidgeot
#019 Rattata
#019 Rattata
#020 Raticate
#020 Raticate
#021 Spearow
#021 Spearow
#022 Fearow
#022 Fearow
#023 Ekans
#023 Ekans
#024 Arbok
#024 Arbok
#025 Pikachu
#025 Pikachu
#026 Raichu
#026 Raichu
#027 Sandshrew
#027 Sandshrew
#028 Sandslash
#028 Sandslash
#029 Nidoran (Female)
#029 Nidoran (Female)
#030 Nidorina
#030 Nidorina
#031 Nidoqueen
#031 Nidoqueen
#032 Nidoran (Male)
#032 Nidoran (Male)
#033 Nidorino
#033 Nidorino
#034 Nidoking
#034 Nidoking
#035 Clefairy
#035 Clefairy
#036 Clefable
#036 Clefable
#037 Vulpix
#037 Vulpix
#038 Ninetales
#038 Ninetales
#039 Jigglypuff
#039 Jigglypuff
#040 Wigglytuff
#040 Wigglytuff
#041 Zubat
#041 Zubat
#042 Golbat
#042 Golbat
#043 Oddish
#043 Oddish
#044 Gloom
#044 Gloom
#045 Vileplume
#045 Vileplume
#046 Paras
#046 Paras
#047 Parasect
#047 Parasect
#048 Venonat
#048 Venonat
#049 Venomoth
#049 Venomoth
#050 Diglett
#050 Diglett
#051 Dugtrio
#051 Dugtrio
#052 Meowth
#052 Meowth
#053 Persian
#053 Persian
#054 Psyduck
#054 Psyduck
#055 Golduck
#055 Golduck
#056 Mankey
#056 Mankey
#057 Primeape
#057 Primeape
#058 Growlithe
#058 Growlithe
#059 Arcanine
#059 Arcanine
#060 Poliwag
#060 Poliwag
#061 Poliwhirl
#061 Poliwhirl
#062 Poliwrath
#062 Poliwrath
#063 Abra
#063 Abra
#064 Kadabra
#064 Kadabra
#065 Alakazam
#065 Alakazam
#066 Machop
#066 Machop
#067 Machoke
#067 Machoke
#068 Machamp
#068 Machamp
#069 Bellsprout
#069 Bellsprout
#070 Weepinbell
#070 Weepinbell
#071 Victreebel
#071 Victreebel
#072 Tentacool
#072 Tentacool
#073 Tentacruel
#073 Tentacruel
#074 Geodude
#074 Geodude
#075 Graveler
#075 Graveler
#076 Golem
#076 Golem
#077 Ponyta
#077 Ponyta
#078 Rapidash
#078 Rapidash
#079 Slowpoke
#079 Slowpoke
#080 Slowbro
#080 Slowbro
#081 Magnemite
#081 Magnemite
#082 Magneton
#082 Magneton
#083 Farfetch'd
#083 Farfetch'd
#084 Doduo
#084 Doduo
#085 Dodrio
#085 Dodrio
#086 Seel
#086 Seel
#087 Dewgong
#087 Dewgong
#088 Grimer
#088 Grimer
#089 Muk
#089 Muk
#090 Shellder
#090 Shellder
#091 Cloyster
#091 Cloyster
#092 Gastly
#092 Gastly
#093 Haunter
#093 Haunter
#094 Gengar
#094 Gengar
#095 Onix
#095 Onix
#096 Drowzee
#096 Drowzee
#097 Hypno
#097 Hypno
#098 Krabby
#098 Krabby
#099 Kingler
#099 Kingler
#100 Voltorb
#100 Voltorb
#101 Electrode
#101 Electrode
#102 Exeggcute
#102 Exeggcute
#103 Exeggutor
#103 Exeggutor
#104 Cubone
#104 Cubone
#105 Marowak
#105 Marowak
#106 Hitmonlee
#106 Hitmonlee
#107 Hitmonchan
#107 Hitmonchan
#108 Lickitung
#108 Lickitung
#109 Koffing
#109 Koffing
#110 Weezing
#110 Weezing
#111 Rhyhorn
#111 Rhyhorn
#112 Rhydon
#112 Rhydon
#113 Chansey
#113 Chansey
#114 Tangela
#114 Tangela
#115 Kangaskhan
#115 Kangaskhan
#116 Horsea
#116 Horsea
#117 Seadra
#117 Seadra
#118 Goldeen
#118 Goldeen
#119 Seaking
#119 Seaking
#120 Staryu
#120 Staryu
#121 Starmie
#121 Starmie
#122 Mr. Mime
#122 Mr. Mime
#123 Scyther
#123 Scyther
#124 Jynx
#124 Jynx
#125 Electabuzz
#125 Electabuzz
#126 Magmar
#126 Magmar
#127 Pinsir
#127 Pinsir
#128 Tauros
#128 Tauros
#129 Magikarp
#129 Magikarp
#130 Gyarados
#130 Gyarados
#131 Lapras
#131 Lapras
#132 Ditto
#132 Ditto
#133 Eevee
#133 Eevee
#134 Vaporeon
#134 Vaporeon
#135 Jolteon
#135 Jolteon
#136 Flareon
#136 Flareon
#137 Porygon
#137 Porygon
#138 Omanyte
#138 Omanyte
#139 Omastar
#139 Omastar
#140 Kabuto
#140 Kabuto
#141 Kabutops
#141 Kabutops
#142 Aerodactyl
#142 Aerodactyl
#143 Snorlax
#143 Snorlax
#144 Articuno
#144 Articuno
#145 Zapdos
#145 Zapdos
#146 Moltres
#146 Moltres
#147 Dratini
#147 Dratini
#148 Dragonair
#148 Dragonair
#149 Dragonite
#149 Dragonite
#150 Mewtwo
#150 Mewtwo
#151 Mew
#151 Mew
#169 Crobat
#169 Crobat
#170 Chinchou
#170 Chinchou
#171 Lanturn
#171 Lanturn
#172 Pichu
#172 Pichu
#173 Cleffa
#173 Cleffa
#174 Igglybuff
#174 Igglybuff
#182 Bellossom
#182 Bellossom
#183 Marill
#183 Marill
#184 Azumarill
#184 Azumarill
#186 Politoed
#186 Politoed
#196 Espeon
#196 Espeon
#197 Umbreon
#197 Umbreon
#199 Slowking
#199 Slowking
#200 Misdreavus
#200 Misdreavus
#202 Wobbuffet
#202 Wobbuffet
#206 Dunsparce
#206 Dunsparce
#208 Steelix
#208 Steelix
#212 Scizor
#212 Scizor
#230 Kingdra
#230 Kingdra
#233 Porygon2
#233 Porygon2
#235 Smeargle
#235 Smeargle
#236 Tyrogue
#236 Tyrogue
#237 Hitmontop
#237 Hitmontop
#238 Smoochum
#238 Smoochum
#239 Elekid
#239 Elekid
#240 Magby
#240 Magby
#242 Blissey
#242 Blissey
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#253 Grovyle
#253 Grovyle
#254 Sceptile
#254 Sceptile
#255 Torchic
#255 Torchic
#256 Combusken
#256 Combusken
#257 Blaziken
#257 Blaziken
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#259 Marshtomp
#259 Marshtomp
#260 Swampert
#260 Swampert
#261 Poochyena
#261 Poochyena
#262 Mightyena
#262 Mightyena
#263 Zigzagoon
#263 Zigzagoon
#264 Linoone
#264 Linoone
#270 Lotad
#270 Lotad
#271 Lombre
#271 Lombre
#272 Ludicolo
#272 Ludicolo
#273 Seedot
#273 Seedot
#274 Nuzleaf
#274 Nuzleaf
#275 Shiftry
#275 Shiftry
#276 Taillow
#276 Taillow
#277 Swellow
#277 Swellow
#278 Wingull
#278 Wingull
#279 Pelipper
#279 Pelipper
#280 Ralts
#280 Ralts
#281 Kirlia
#281 Kirlia
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#283 Surskit
#283 Surskit
#284 Masquerain
#284 Masquerain
#285 Shroomish
#285 Shroomish
#286 Breloom
#286 Breloom
#287 Slakoth
#287 Slakoth
#288 Vigoroth
#288 Vigoroth
#289 Slaking
#289 Slaking
#293 Whismur
#293 Whismur
#294 Loudred
#294 Loudred
#295 Exploud
#295 Exploud
#296 Makuhita
#296 Makuhita
#297 Hariyama
#297 Hariyama
#298 Azurill
#298 Azurill
#299 Nosepass
#299 Nosepass
#300 Skitty
#300 Skitty
#301 Delcatty
#301 Delcatty
#302 Sableye
#302 Sableye
#303 Mawile
#303 Mawile
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#305 Lairon
#305 Lairon
#306 Aggron
#306 Aggron
#307 Meditite
#307 Meditite
#308 Medicham
#308 Medicham
#309 Electrike
#309 Electrike
#310 Manectric
#310 Manectric
#311 Plusle
#311 Plusle
#312 Minun
#312 Minun
#313 Volbeat
#313 Volbeat
#314 Illumise
#314 Illumise
#315 Roselia
#315 Roselia
#316 Gulpin
#316 Gulpin
#317 Swalot
#317 Swalot
#318 Carvanha
#318 Carvanha
#319 Sharpedo
#319 Sharpedo
#320 Wailmer
#320 Wailmer
#321 Wailord
#321 Wailord
#322 Numel
#322 Numel
#323 Camerupt
#323 Camerupt
#324 Torkoal
#324 Torkoal
#325 Spoink
#325 Spoink
#326 Grumpig
#326 Grumpig
#327 Spinda
#327 Spinda
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#329 Vibrava
#329 Vibrava
#330 Flygon
#330 Flygon
#331 Cacnea
#331 Cacnea
#332 Cacturne
#332 Cacturne
#333 Swablu
#333 Swablu
#334 Altaria
#334 Altaria
#335 Zangoose
#335 Zangoose
#336 Seviper
#336 Seviper
#337 Lunatone
#337 Lunatone
#338 Solrock
#338 Solrock
#339 Barboach
#339 Barboach
#340 Whiscash
#340 Whiscash
#341 Corphish
#341 Corphish
#342 Crawdaunt
#342 Crawdaunt
#343 Baltoy
#343 Baltoy
#344 Claydol
#344 Claydol
#345 Lileep
#345 Lileep
#346 Cradily
#346 Cradily
#347 Anorith
#347 Anorith
#348 Armaldo
#348 Armaldo
#349 Feebas
#349 Feebas
#350 Milotic
#350 Milotic
#351 Castform
#351 Castform
#352 Kecleon
#352 Kecleon
#353 Shuppet
#353 Shuppet
#354 Banette
#354 Banette
#357 Tropius
#357 Tropius
#358 Chimecho
#358 Chimecho
#359 Absol
#359 Absol
#360 Wynaut
#360 Wynaut
#361 Snorunt
#361 Snorunt
#362 Glalie
#362 Glalie
#363 Spheal
#363 Spheal
#364 Sealeo
#364 Sealeo
#365 Walrein
#365 Walrein
#366 Clamperl
#366 Clamperl
#367 Huntail
#367 Huntail
#368 Gorebyss
#368 Gorebyss
#369 Relicanth
#369 Relicanth
#370 Luvdisc
#370 Luvdisc
#371 Bagon
#371 Bagon
#372 Shelgon
#372 Shelgon
#373 Salamence
#373 Salamence
#374 Beldum
#374 Beldum
#375 Metang
#375 Metang
#376 Metagross
#376 Metagross
#377 Regirock
#377 Regirock
#378 Regice
#378 Regice
#379 Registeel
#379 Registeel
#380 Latias
#380 Latias
#381 Latios
#381 Latios
#382 Kyogre
#382 Kyogre
#383 Groudon
#383 Groudon
#384 Rayquaza
#384 Rayquaza
#385 Jirachi
#385 Jirachi
#386 Deoxys
#386 Deoxys
Casino Ring
Casino Ring Zip Archive
City Top
City Top Zip Archive
Egg Albatross
Egg Albatross Zip Archive
Sea Gate
Sea Gate Zip Archive
Spyro the Dragon
Spyro the Dragon
Falco Lombardi
Falco Lombardi
Fox McCloud
Fox McCloud
Peppy Hare
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
Slippy Toad
Wolf O'Donnel
Wolf O'Donnel
Alpha Trophy
Alpha Trophy
Andross (Star Fox 64) Trophy
Andross (Star Fox 64) Trophy
Baby Bowser Trophy
Baby Bowser Trophy
Banzai Bill Trophy
Banzai Bill Trophy
Barrel Cannon
Barrel Cannon
Blastoise Trophy
Blastoise Trophy
Boo Trophy
Boo Trophy
Brinstar Depths
Brinstar Depths
Bucket Trophy
Bucket Trophy
Bunny Hood
Bunny Hood
Celebi Trophy
Celebi Trophy
Crobat Trophy
Crobat Trophy
Donbe & Hikari Trophy
Donbe & Hikari Trophy
Falco Lombardi
Falco Lombardi
Four Giants Trophy
Four Giants Trophy
Fox McCloud (Classic) Trophy
Fox McCloud (Classic) Trophy
GCN Trophy
GCN Trophy
Grab a Trophy!
Grab a Trophy!
Home-Run Bat
Home-Run Bat
Igglybuff Trophy
Igglybuff Trophy
Klap Trap
Klap Trap
Lip's Stick
Lip's Stick
Marin Trophy
Marin Trophy
Maxim Tomato
Maxim Tomato
Metal Box
Metal Box
Metroid Trophy
Metroid Trophy
Mewtwo (Classic) Trophy
Mewtwo (Classic) Trophy
Misty Trophy
Misty Trophy
Mr. Resetti Trophy
Mr. Resetti Trophy
Mushroom Kingdom II
Mushroom Kingdom II
Ocarina of Time Trophy
Ocarina of Time Trophy
Past Stages: Dream Land
Past Stages: Dream Land
Past Stages: Kongo Jungle
Past Stages: Kongo Jungle
Past Stages: Yoshi's Island
Past Stages: Yoshi's Island
Peach (Classic) Trophy
Peach (Classic) Trophy
Pikmin Trophy
Pikmin Trophy
Plum Trophy
Plum Trophy
Poké Floats
Poké Floats
Poliwhirl Trophy
Poliwhirl Trophy
Princess Peach
Princess Peach
Race to the Finish
Race to the Finish
Ryota Hayami Trophy
Ryota Hayami Trophy
Scizor Trophy
Scizor Trophy
Steelix Trophy
Steelix Trophy
Sudowoodo Trophy
Sudowoodo Trophy
Target Test (Bowser)
Target Test (Bowser)
Target Test (Captain Falcon)
Target Test (Captain Falcon)
Target Test (Fox McCloud)
Target Test (Fox McCloud)
Target Test (Ganondorf)
Target Test (Ganondorf)
Target Test (Ice Climbers)
Target Test (Ice Climbers)
Target Test (Mario)
Target Test (Mario)
Target Test (Marth)
Target Test (Marth)
Target Test (Mewtwo)
Target Test (Mewtwo)
Target Test (Mr. Game & Watch)
Target Test (Mr. Game & Watch)
Target Test (Pichu)
Target Test (Pichu)
Target Test (Pikachu)
Target Test (Pikachu)
Target Test (Roy)
Target Test (Roy)
Target Test (Zelda)
Target Test (Zelda)
Test Stage
Test Stage
Thwomp Trophy
Thwomp Trophy
Tingle Trophy
Tingle Trophy
Tom Nook Trophy
Tom Nook Trophy
Trophy Tussle 1: Goomba
Trophy Tussle 1: Goomba
Trophy Tussle 2: Entei
Trophy Tussle 2: Entei
Trophy Tussle 3: Majora's Mask
Trophy Tussle 3: Majora's Mask
Vacuum Luigi Trophy
Vacuum Luigi Trophy
Waluigi Trophy
Waluigi Trophy
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's Island
MS-DOS Textures: 1
Nintendo 64 Textures: 21
PC / Computer Textures: 78
Wii Textures: 37
Xbox 360 Textures: 5

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