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Posted by Ultimecia - January 25, 2011 - 1:27 PM
Well, kinda. PSOnline fans are going to get the reference. I sort of got carried away and ripped tons of Phantasy Star Zero too. If you're not into Phantasy Star, don't worry: we got Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Lufia, Final Fantasy X-2, Sonic, Beyblade and Super Paper Mario as well.

There's also this cool contest: you can win two T-shirts with your own design! Check out our forums for more info.

Now I can still see the light. And you can check on today's update.
Textures in this update: 131
DS / DSi Textures: 64
GameCube Textures: 2
PC / Computer Textures: 33
PlayStation Textures: 1
PlayStation 2 Textures: 9
Wii Textures: 11
Xbox 360 Textures: 11

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