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1.18 Caves & Cliffs Update (Part 2)
Category PC / Computer
Submitter Askywalker
Size 17.95 KB (651x281)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 4,693
Comments 2

1.18 Caves & Cliffs Update (Part 2)
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Dec 16, 2021, 12:51 PM
@ShyGuys, Apart from the disk and new font yea its a bunch of small tweaks. The changes are: sign bases match their model, item frames use birch, seeds are centered, doors are more detailed, parrot wings are flipped, wither skulls are more consistent, lectern base matches the oak planks more, dark oak log matches the dark oak color, red stained glass opacity is constant with the others, path side now matches the art style, redstone appears in the comparator, better lapis outline, and the hammer is more constant with the iron tool shading.
I hope this helps
Dec 10, 2021, 10:23 PM
wait these textures were updated? I don't see the difference
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