Submitter Stats: HARVLAW_ORENGI All Comments on Textures RSS Feed
Textures Submitted 21
Games Submitted To 3
Largest Console (by Games) PC / Computer (2 games)
Largest Console (by Textures) PC / Computer (20 textures)
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(17 textures)

(3 textures)
Tekken 3
Tekken 3

(1 texture)
Most Popular Textures
1 Tekken 3 Jin Kazama 7,060 hits
2 Half-Life Scientists (HD) 6,724 hits
3 Spider-Man Carnage 5,526 hits
4 Spider-Man Venom 5,263 hits
5 Spider-Man Captain America 4,678 hits
6 Half-Life Barney (HD) 4,191 hits
7 Spider-Man Scorpion 4,029 hits
8 Spider-Man Mary Jane Watson 3,889 hits
9 Half-Life HECU Grunts (HD) 3,735 hits
10 Spider-Man Mysterio 3,562 hits
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