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Textures Submitted 54
Games Submitted To 20
Largest Console (by Games) MS-DOS (18 games)
Largest Console (by Textures) MS-DOS (49 textures)
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Biggest Contributions
Chex Quest
Chex Quest

(5 textures)

(4 textures)
Most Popular Textures
(1 NSFW texture not included)
1 Wolfenstein 3D Walls 35,501 hits
2 Heretic Walls 7,980 hits
3 Heretic Flats 6,574 hits
4 Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny Walls 5,307 hits
5 DOOM Flats 4,842 hits
6 Hexen: Beyond Heretic Walls 3,420 hits
7 Hexen: Beyond Heretic Flats 2,466 hits
8 Hexen: Beyond Heretic Skies 2,229 hits
9 Hell to Pay (DOOM II) Walls 2,080 hits
10 HacX: Twitch 'n Kill Walls 1,896 hits
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