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Textures Submitted 14
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Console (by Games) Wii (1 game)
Largest Console (by Textures) DS / DSi (13 textures)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Most Popular Textures
1 Animal Crossing: Wild World Villagers 32,070 hits
2 Animal Crossing: Wild World Player Faces 29,980 hits
3 Animal Crossing: Wild World Ground 29,555 hits
4 Animal Crossing: Wild World Walls & Carpets 22,083 hits
5 Animal Crossing: Wild World Clothes 22,036 hits
6 Animal Crossing: Wild World Trees 15,777 hits
7 Animal Crossing: Wild World Fish 15,523 hits
8 Animal Crossing: Wild World Special NPCs 14,448 hits
9 Animal Crossing: Wild World TV Shows 13,264 hits
10 Mario Strikers Charged Team Flags 10,811 hits
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