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Textures Submitted 21
Games Submitted To 5
Largest Console (by Games) Arcade (3 games)
Largest Console (by Textures) Arcade (15 textures)
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(7 textures)
Battle of Europe
Battle of Europe

(5 textures)
Most Popular Textures
1 Carnevil Maggot Mike 1,914 hits
2 Carnevil Spider Monkey 1,869 hits
3 Batman Store Signs 1,809 hits
4 Carnevil Powerups 1,725 hits
5 Batman Shark 1,606 hits
6 Run 3 Terrain 1,354 hits
7 Aliens Extermination Garage 1,266 hits
8 Aliens Extermination Medlab 1,205 hits
9 Aliens Extermination Tunnel 1,047 hits
10 Aliens Extermination APC 1,037 hits
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