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Textures Submitted 36
Games Submitted To 7
Largest Console (by Games) PC / Computer (5 games)
Largest Console (by Textures) PSP (27 textures)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
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1 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Tommy Vercetti (Street) 11,236 hits
2 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Tommy Vercetti (Soiree) 10,305 hits
3 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Victor Vance 7,021 hits
4 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Denise Robinson 6,823 hits
5 Grand Theft Auto 5 North Yankton State Patrol Esperanto 5,775 hits
6 Grand Theft Auto 4 Trey 'Playboy X' Stewart 4,533 hits
7 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Ken Rosenburg 4,481 hits
8 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Casuals 4,395 hits
9 Grand Theft Auto 3 Chunky Lee Chong 4,185 hits
10 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Hero Garb 4,115 hits
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