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Textures Submitted 229
Games Submitted To 56
Largest Console (by Games) PC / Computer (22 games)
Largest Console (by Textures) GameCube (96 textures)
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Biggest Contributions
Wario World
Wario World

(32 textures)
Most Popular Textures
1 Super Mario 64 Title & Game Over Screens 8,273 hits
2 SpongeBob SquarePants: Obstacle Odyssey 2 SpongeBob SquarePants 6,626 hits
3 Wario World Skybox (World Hub) 6,348 hits
4 Mario Party 6 Miracle Book 5,937 hits
5 Miitopia 051 Twerkey 5,502 hits
6 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie SpongeBob & Patrick (Patty Wagon) 5,191 hits
7 Mario Party 6 Spaces 4,971 hits
8 Mario Party 4 Board Spaces 4,790 hits
9 GoldenEye: Source Ammo Crates 4,562 hits
10 Wario World Skyboxes (Greenhorn Forest) 4,359 hits
3DS Textures
Browser Games Textures
DS / DSi Textures
GameCube Textures
Mobile Textures
Nintendo 64 Textures
PC / Computer Textures
PSP Textures
Wii Textures
Xbox 360 Textures
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